As we age, it's easy to lose touch with friends from our youth. If we are lucky enough to have family to check in with us, that's a bonus. But it can also be a burden...and no one wants to be a burden. 

And, the unfortunate reality is that many older friends just aren't around anymore. 

They don't have to be isolated.

Kris is a trustworthy and caring friend who will check in for up to 4 hours per month to chit-chat, ensure things are okay, and even provide updates to loved ones, if requested.

Friendship with Kris offers:

Is there an older adult in your life who needs a companion?

Completely safe interaction without fear or pretense

Genuine connection and concern

Regular and reliable interaction

A continued sense of independence and life

By engaging Kris as your remote best friend, you have the privacy and confidentiality you might not get at home, as well as the comfort of knowing your best interests are always the highest priority. You’ll be free to be honest with yourself about what you need, so you can finally verbalize your dreams, fears, ideas, and insecurities without the homework of having to do anything about them.

Your New Best Friend on Retainer

Do you have a best friend you can talk to about anything? Whether you need to vent about your family or just want to dish about the latest Netflix show you've been binge watching, every woman needs someone they can talk to.

But not everyone has that person to confide in without judgment, ridicule, or drama.

And that's why I'm offering The Best Friend Experience.

I believe it's super important for women to have a best friend, and as we get older, it's easy for those relationships to change or disappear. Sometimes we don't even realize we're friendless until we're asked to think about who our closest friends are and we can't come up with a single name.

Or maybe there are many names on your list, but none of those relationships are truly deep or honest or real. Nothing's worse than having to consider every word before you say it because you can't trust your friend to just hear you without reacting in a negative way. Well, that doesn't have to be your story. Not anymore.

If you aren't looking for personal growth or any kind of transformation but just need a friend to talk to on a regular basis, Kris can be available for up to 60 minutes per week via phone, Zoom, text, or in-person (within 10 miles of Kris's location) to chat, be a shoulder to cry on, and have a true friendship with.
Monthly Commitment - $995

The Best Friend Experience

You might have many friends and family in your life who like to give you advice. Maybe it's good and maybe it's bad, but if you're always censoring your true feelings because you don’t want your secrets to be shared within your social circles, you’re never able to speak freely.

We’ll just talk if that's all you truly need.

(Kris will sign an NDA from the first meeting so you're confident your secrets and innermost thoughts stay between the two of you.)

What kind of friendship is that?